
Untitled 10
Untitled 10

Admissions to Bradstow School are by referral from the Local Education Authority to Wandsworth Borough Council. Bradstow School is maintained by The London Borough of Wandsworth.

Parents/carers should contact Wandsworth Local Authority to find out about our admission arrangements.

Currently all children and young people who are referred will have been assessed and an Education, Health and Care plan produced under the terms of The Children & Families Act 2014.

Each child or young person’s referral is considered against three levels of criterion:

  • The young person’s educational, health and care needs, and the school’s suitability to meet these
  • The school’s current capacity and whether the attendance of the young person would be incompatible with the provision of efficient education for the young people with whom he/she would be educated
  • If the attendance of the young person would be compatible with the efficient use of resources

As part of the enrolment procedure parents or carers will need to visit the school. If the parents feel that Bradstow School would be suitable for their child or young person, and a referral has been received from the Local Authority, staff from the school visit the child’s current provision and home to complete an assessment on the young person’s needs and suitability as agreed with the referring authority.

This initial visit and assessment provides both the school, parents and carers, with a valuable insight into the needs of the child or young person. In addition it provides an evaluation of the appropriateness of Bradstow School, and, following the placement agreement and confirmation of funding from the referring authority, assists with the provision of a transition plan to enable a successful move into our school.  It also ensures that parents are fully informed about the school and what it has to offer their child.

Visits can be arranged by contacting the school office:

Tel: 01843 862123

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